NERA 2021 äger rum i Odense i Danmark den 3–5 november 2021. Tema för årets konferens är HOPE AND EDUCATION:
“There has always been – and still is – a hope attached to education. Hope is the heart of the normativity of pedagogy and didactics: We are educating for a potentially better future. The question is which hopes exist today, and which hopes can meaningfully be linked to today’s school and education?”
Vi har fått vårt abstract, Teacher sharing of successful literacy practices, accepterat för presentation på konferensen. Syftet med den praktiknära forskningsstudien är att studera hur lärare som arbetar i varierande literacypraktiker i de tidiga skolåren förstår och uttrycker den kunskap de har om framgångsfaktorer i skriv- och läslärande för att förebygga, identifiera och undanröja hinder. Projektet har tydlig anknytning till flera aktuella forskningsområden; flerspråkighet, digitalisering, inkluderande undervisning, professionsutveckling, samt yngre barns literacy.
Teacher sharing of successful literacy practices
“The aim of the project is to study how teachers in varying early years literacy practices understand and talk about the knowledge they have gained of success factors in developing reading and writing skills to pre-empt, identify and remove obstacles for literacy development. Our ambition is to initiate and stimulate discussion and exchange of information between teachers at the four schools.
The project is expected to provide specialised knowledge regarding success factors in developing reading and writing skills as well as generating theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field. In addition, the project can offer opportunities for cooperation between different professions and for establishing practice-based research and learning environments.” (Tjernberg & Forsling, 2021)
Tjernberg C. & Forsling, K. (2021). Teacher sharing of successful literacy practices. NERA21, Odence, Denmark.