21 december 2019

Nera 2020

Vi har fått vårt abstract, Teacher exchange on different literacy practices, antaget för presentation på NERA 2020 som äger rum på University of Turku, Finland 4–6 mars. Tema för konferensen är Rethinking the futures of education in the Nordic countries.

I vår presentation kommer vi att delge preliminära resultat från ett pågående forskningsprojekt vid Karlstad University.

Teacher exchange on different literacy practices – Tjernberg & Forsling (2020)

Previous special education research in Sweden has mainly been descriptive while it is clear that studies developing special education in practice through research-based practice are presently called for. This research project involves teachers in four schools with different literacy profiles.

As far as we know, this project is unique in kind, and we can already see that teachers have developed theoretical and methodological knowledge regarding success factors in developing reading and writing skills. The material displays several examples of how teacher can work pre-emptively and remove obstacles in the learning process. This is realised through a multimodal and collaborative method adapted to students’ different potentials and needs. The teachers’ descriptions make evident that they operate on different linguistic levels and switch between teaching form and function and connecting teaching content to the students’ world and various social issues.

The project is expected to provide specialised knowledge regarding success factors in developing reading and writing skills as well as generating theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field. In addition, the project can offer opportunities for cooperation between different professions and for establishing practice-based research and learning environments.