NERA 2019 äger rum i Uppsala den 5 till 8 mars. Tema för konferensen i år är ”Educational in a globalizes world”. Karin Forsling och jag kommer att presentera en studie på konferensen:
Teacher design for writing power and fluent writing. Focus group interviews with early years teachers
The studies relevance to Nordic educational research
The teachers in our study highlighted the importance of writing for learning. In the teachers' stories of how they designed and motivated learning situations and learning environments, they described the pupils´ eagerness to write and their competence in writing extensive texts frequently and in different contexts. The importance of automatizing the writing technique early so that energy can be put on the creative shaping of the text clearly emerged. The notion of ´fluent writing´ presented itself as a useful corresponding opposite to ´fluent reading´. This finding can be seen as an important change of discourse – a domain with strong relevance to further Nordic educational research.
Forsling, K. & Tjernberg, C. Teacher design for writing power and fluent writing. Focus group interviews with early years teachers. NERA Conference. Uppsala, Sweden March 5-8, 2019
Karlstad University
Department of Educational Studies