Den 18 februari publicerades en kort beskrivning av vår artikel Intentions and flexibility: navigating complex literacy practices in primary education. Artikeln är publicerad i tidskriften Educational Research (2023). Studien handlar om hur lärare hanterar utmanande situationer som uppstår när de utformar inkluderande skriftspråksundervisning.
Länk till artikeln:
Forsling, K. & Tjernberg, C. (2023). Intentions and flexibility: navigating complex literacy practices in primary education. Educational Research, 65(3), 301–319.
Länk till Forskningsutblicken:
“The study highlights the significance of teachers’ intentions to prevent, identify and remove barriers to students’ literacy development. It suggests that the part played by flexibility in determining solutions to challenges in classroom practice should not be overlooked in relation to supporting students’ literacy learning progress. Implications also include greater recognition of the importance of continuous professional development to support inclusive practice, with opportunities for collegial learning and collaboration”